Our Story - NoGuilt Store

Our Story

There is currently a social movement that is gathering force to inspire and engage the global community in a sustainable future for our planet. This has been in our consciousness for over 20 years and we believe that less waste and less consumption is a good starting point. Hence, our desire to create this store to offer the public and business owners an opportunity to buy packaging which would not harm the environment in any way and help create less waste for the land fills.

We have to eat, clothe ourselves and need a place to live in. Do we tend to overdo this nowadays? Many would argue that yes, we do. If we are unable to give up our worldly pleasures, then we can atleast make some effort to reduce the pollution and waste we produce. Recycling and Reuse are one small step to stop this malaise causing the huge unknown our world is drifting towards. On a much larger scale we need to put together a holistic framework to identify the activities to protect our land, water, air, agriculture, education, health and business that are necessary to build a sustainable future for our planet.

Never in the history of man has life been so good for humans and so bad for others on the planet. Big, industrial corporations pollute the air and water, but make transportation and modern products like yoga mats, cool plastic water bottles and electric cars possible. Meanwhile it’s awesome to eat strawberries in February but our food supply is chock full of GMOs and grown with chemical pesticides and fertilisers.

While it’s not possible to instantly stop all the bad consequences of modern life, there are simple things you can start doing right now to change how you contribute to the planet. All actions big and small contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet.

  • Be vocal and let Your Voice Be Heard on issues you are passionate about
  • Buy Local. Buying local foods and other local products not only supports your local economy, it also reduces pollution from transportation. How often do you get to buy from the people who made or produced the foods and products you purchase?
  • Stop Taking Out the Trash. Stop throwing everything in the trash. Learn about recycling and composting. Be a conscious consumer and do not buy overly packaged products. Take your own bags to the grocery store and use a refillable glass water bottle, not single use plastic bottles. Garden and Food (uncooked) waste can be recycled on compost heaps or though some council run schemes.
  • Power Down. Turn off lights when you aren’t home. Keep appliances and electronics unplugged when they are not in use or being actively charged.
  • Drive the Speed Limit. Driving at a consistent speed limit reduces both fuel consumption and harmful emissions.
  • Eat a Salad or 10. Contrary to popular belief you won’t die of malnutrition or starve to death if you eat less meat. Plants can provide all the macro-nutrients that you need. Meat production creates horrendous waste and pollution in addition to the horrible lives of the animals raised in feedlots.
  • Take a Three Minute Shower. Set a timer for three minutes. Wet, lather, rinse…
  • Ice & Cold Water. Keeping lots of ice in your freezer and cold water in your fridge helps keep the temperature of your fridge colder, while using less energy.
  • Lube Up. Stop buying commercially produced lubes, oils and moisturisers. Instead, buy a big jar of coconut oil. Coconut oil can be used for cooking, eating and moisturising.

These are a few tips from us to those looking for ideas on how you can contribute to keeping our planet beautiful and strong. Encourage your food supplier to use packaging from suppliers like us to reduce the use of chemicals and land fills. Chemicals in packaging make it less compostible and also add to the list of causes of ill health among humans.